“Let us pray that the Lord may give us the grace to live in full fellowship with our brothers and sisters of other religions and not fight each other, and praying for one another, open ourselves to all.”

Pope Francis, January 2021

Mabuhay and welcome to Pray and Serve!

People connect and build a relationship with God through prayers, and what is more wonderful than connecting to others is by praying for them

This is the very core of Pray and Serve–a mission to ignite everyone’s faith in God and move people to action and spread kindness to the community through fervent prayers and selfless works.

In this day and age when people are into social media almost 24/7, this space outside everyone’s algorithm is intended to make us feel safer, genuine, and tranquil as we reflect and seek enlightenment in our  journey to life and by strengthening our connection with God.

Prayers are free yet powerful. All we need is a sincere heart and the purest of intentions, and we can give the most precious gift and service we can ever extend to someone.

It is my vision to start and create a ripple effect and cultivate a community that prays for one another. Know that when we pray together and pray for each other, we are stronger, invincible, and heard.

As part of our yearly Pray and Serve tradition, which began in 2022, we offer our first nine days of the new year with prayers for varied intentions, not just for ourselves but most importantly for all the people we love and appreciate. Join us in our 2024 Novena Prayer.

It is OK for us to not always feel good. That is fine. As part of being human, we experience stress, discomfort, and even demotivation and discouragement. Sometimes, everything is going well until a difficulty arises and we find ourselves in the midst of chaos. Although it may be one of the biggest challenges, it is at these times that we must maintain our faith, pray, and have trust that it will pass.

This tradition began last year, and for this year’s intention, we return to the roots of simple yet real and honest prayers.


This page is dedicated to Saint Jude and his devotees, who share their devotional tales and expressions of thanks for his intercession on their behalf. People may learn about this wonderful saint via their testimony, and they may also start to encourage a journey with him.  


Kindness begins with being kind to yourself, to your family, to your loved ones, to the community, and, in general, to everyone who has a life. Every small connection with someone is an opportunity to make a difference in their and your lives. So whenever you have the chance to help others, do so. Spread kindness.

Although things may not always go our way and things may be difficult, never forget that you are not alone on this road. The Lord is always with you, as are those who have always loved you from the beginning. Always keep this in mind. Always keep them in mind. You are not alone.

It was the last Sunday of 2020. I was praying the Holy Rosary before Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary La Naval de Manila at the Santo Domingo Church when an idea popped up. To encourage everyone to pray the Holy Rosary, this passion project was born.

Be inspired by these batches of prayers offered by ordinary people who belong to a wide range of ages and come from different places like you. These will surely drive and motivate you not just to pray for yourself, but above all, to pray for others and society as well.

These are real-life stories and heartfelt testimonies shared by different amazing people from all walks of life. May their words filled with compelling and robust faith give you light that will illuminate your soul and find you spiritual healing, peace, and tranquility.

Growing up as a shy kid, I am the last person to open up about myself. But with my fair share of success, and frustrations, I have experienced much in life that you may find relatable and engaging. This is the main road to my excursion, and my thoughts from my vantage point. 

Important Message:

Beware of scammers! Pray and Serve is not and will not send you messages of any form asking for donations, solicitation, pledges, and the likes. Likewise, Pray and Serve will never ask for money, resources, or favors, in any way, from anyone. Thank you.