Allow God to guide you like never before in 2024.


As part of our yearly Pray and Serve tradition, which began in 2022, we offer our first nine days of the new year with prayers for varied intentions, not just for ourselves but most importantly for all the people we love and appreciate.


There are numerous reasons to give thanks to the Lord. We should be grateful for his presence, wisdom, and unconditional love for us.


Heavenly Father, we offer you these nine intentions with joy and thanks in our hearts. As always, let your will be done.


This new year, we entrust ourselves to you. Father, please lead us the way.

We begin our annual tradition of novena prayer on this first day of 2024 with our prayers of thanksgiving and humble gratitude to the Father Almighty.


Giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Ephesians 5:20




Father Almighty, we praise and thank you!


We offer this novena prayer starting this first day of the new year for your glory and might.


We are thankful for the lessons and challenges of 2023 as we step into 2024 with optimism and enthusiasm.


We are grateful for this new opportunity to celebrate your gift of life and as we live our lives meaningfully and purposefully in accordance with your will, let your kindness and mercy guide us.


In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

We dedicate our intention to everyone who is meaningful and valuable to us on the second day of our novena prayer.


Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins. – 1 Peter 4:8




Heavenly Father,


May our relationships with everyone you choose to be a part of our voyage be blessed.


We pray for our family to remain in good health and happiness, as well as for the continued harmony and prosperity of our friends and loved ones.


Whoever fails to recognize our goodness may discover inner serenity so that they may be more empathetic toward others.


Additionally, may our deceased loved ones perpetually rest in your illumination and solace.


In the name of Jesus Christ, who establishes an enduring relationship with us, we pray for this. Amen.

On the third day of our novena prayer, we pray for our intention of physical and mental health healing.


Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved, for you are my praise. Jeremiah 17:14




Father in heaven,


We pray for complete healing from everything that undermines our confidence in you.


Let go of all illness and discomfort in our bodies, restoring our physical health so that we can use our strength to fully worship and glorify you and we can use our bodies to serve others and spread the word about your goodness.


We also give you our fears and anxieties, and we pray for the healing of our mental health. So we can live without worry because you are always in control of everything.


Everything is possible with you, as Jesus told us. And this is what we hold onto now that we know you always hear us. Amen.

Day 4 prayer will be unleashed on January 4, 2024.

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