The Path To Pursuing Life’s Authentic Mission

“Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.”

Proverbs 19:21

When I was a kid, I remember that whenever someone asks me what I want to be in the future, I always say that I want to be a news reporter or an engineer. Perhaps I was greatly influenced by the news programs I watched growing up or just copied my classmates’ answers in their slum book. As the years go by, admittedly, I do not have a clear long-term career path in mind. When I was filling up the college application form, I can still remember that I wrote Accountancy as my first choice, Electronics, and Communications Engineering as second, and Secondary Education Major in Mathematics last. I was still undecided during that time. Sadly, I was not admitted to the accountancy scholarship I tried applying for. Still, God had a different plan for me, and the Dean of Students during that time informed me about the scholarship for mathematics. With the guidance and support from some special people I met along the way, I am now pursuing a teaching career.

For more than a decade, teaching has been my bread and butter. I know that this is my calling. It is the point at which my passion intersects with my desires. Growing up, I value and believe in education, and from someone who received unwavering support and motivation as a student, I will not break that chain of encouragement. I must extend that support and inspiration, or even more, to my students. Teaching can be tiring, exhausting, and draining, but knowing you are part of the others making their dreams come true makes it all worthwhile. While others may think that I have reached my dreams, I know I want to do more.

Studying in a Catholic school during my elementary and secondary years, my spiritual formation was greatly influenced by the number of religious practices and teachings I was exposed to. Admittedly, one of my life’s greatest frustrations is to be an altar server. Whenever we have first Friday masses at our school’s neighboring church and also Sunday masses in the covered court of our school, I am amazed and delighted to see altar servers, at a young age, serve the Lord in their capability. My shyness and introverted self barred me from this desire, but that weakness turned out to be my motivation to find my life mission. That point in my life ignited me to serve the Lord in my capacity and capability.

Pope Francis, in his sermons, emphasized the essence of following God’s mission to us. He also preaches how Saint Joseph obediently surrenders to God and follows His life’s mission to him. Saint Joseph is the epitome of trust and obedience to the Lord. He selflessly followed the Lord’s mission for him. The angel appeared in his dreams at various times, and his unwavering faith in God caused him to accept and follow His will.These stories inspire and motivate me to chase mine and, like Saint Joseph, will submit to my life’s mission without having a second thought. 

In the most unexpected time of 2020, when all of us were stunned by the COVID-19 pandemic. I guess no one is spared. This same time when I was struggling with some personal problems and issues, this time when I felt some things in my life were in chaos, turned out to be the perfect time when God unveiled to me my life’s mission.

I had made a list of the activities I wanted to do during the holiday break before the semester ended around the second week of December 2020.As this mission came in the last days of the year unexpectedly, I had to skip some things on that list. What started as supposedly a simple passion project turned out to be more extensive as day by day went by. A lot of ideas are coming in. I was blessed to have a group of people who were supportive of me. God knows how frequently I relayed to them the changes and additions, especially on the first few days, but they are equally passionate and driven to make this project happen. Gratefully, the whole idea of this website, and even more,, was born. Honestly, I have never been excited about each day since this continuing project was launched. I must say, this is my life mission. 

Everyone has dreams and ambitions. Each has plans and goals. We are working hard to make these a reality. But as we pursue our individual and personal success, we should not forget to find our true purpose and discover our life mission. It is living in one that will give your life more meaning and fulfillment. As we walk through this life, it is even more fulfilling to leave a mark. In our unique ways, even in small ways, nothing is comparable to the feeling of serving the Lord and being an instrument for others to see Him in everything.

I am happy and satisfied with this project. It may take lots of effort to create the handmade decade rosary/bracelets, and sometimes it’s even painful as my hands are not spared from calluses and scratches. But whenever the recipients are inspired by it, I know all the hard work pays off. It gives me great satisfaction knowing that I am pursuing this project for our Creator’s glory and honor.

It is never too late for anything. Every day is the best time to try or start something new. Nothing should stop us from doing and achieving more in life. It may be starting a new hobby, exploring new and exciting things outside your comfort zone, or discovering and pursuing a passion project. As long as we are neither forced to do it nor it’s half-baked to have one, when the right and the perfect time comes, without having a second thought, give your yes and embrace what God asks of you. Because when you uncover and pursue your life’s authentic mission, you can genuinely say that you live your best life.

[First Published: April 1, 2021, Revised: September 24, 2021]