“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; 

for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”


1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

If there is one expression that I like the most, it is “Thank you” or “Salamat” in Filipino. The finest things in life, they say, are free. Expressing gratitude through this simple statement might be the nicest gift you can give to someone, especially if it comes from a pure intention combined with sincerity and honesty. Not only will it make other people feel appreciated and loved, but the light feeling it gives in return is indescribable.


Being thankful in the midst of waiting or disappointment can be extremely challenging, but this situation reminds us of some greatest stories ever told that will remind us that the Lord would never abandon us, even if it appears that there is no way out of the long and dark tunnel that we are in.


Abraham waited many years for his son, Isaac. Together with Sarah, they displayed their total faith in the Lord’s ability to fulfill His promise to them despite their advanced age. Following Moses’ successful liberation of the Israelites from Egyptian slavery, the Israelites face a tremendous temptation to forsake their faith in God. Caleb and Joshua’s faithfulness to the Lord brought them to the promised land throughout their years in the wilderness. Jesus Christ fully understands the Lord’s teachings from a young age, as seen by his demonstration at the temple, but he does not begin ministry until he is about thirty years old. His mission needed years of preparation, but his trust in the Lord’s timing shows us that sometimes God does something in our lives during our waiting times that we could not have done otherwise.


I may not be the most qualified person to discuss gratitude and good attitude, but I can say that through my fair share of winning and learning in life, I have learned to be thankful, not because I don’t have a choice, but because I know it is the best decision. Truly, there are numerous reasons to be grateful. But it all comes down to one simple reason: having an attitude of gratitude makes you live in the present moment with true happiness and contentment. Isn’t that what we want in life?


I always remember this simple yet meaningful quotation about gratitude that caught my mind for so long: “I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet.” Sometimes we want so many things just to be happy and be contented for a moment. But what will truly give us inner peace and lifelong satisfaction are the simple things that are always within our grasp.


We may have different religious beliefs, practices, or teachings, but what we all have in common is our deep faith in higher powers. The COVID-19 pandemic strengthens that faith. We’ve watched our friends’ profile images change to lighted candles in our Facebook feed over the last couple of years. You may even personally experience the pandemic’s wrath, but the fact that you are still here and alive at this stage is more than enough to thank God. In the middle of life’s uncertainty, it is our faith that keeps us sane. Remembering that God will never abandon us and that all we need to do is put our complete trust in Him will make life easier.


We sometimes ignore them since they are always around, but life has a way of making us appreciate our support group. Well, they could be our family, friends, a mentor, or a special someone. They push and encourage us, and serve as a constant reminder that we are capable. They can put you under pressure at times and stress you, but I suppose it’s a good kind of pressure because these are the ones who will then build you. It’s all normal to get tired and rest for a while. What is not normal, though, is when you submit fully to these temptations. This is where the right support group makes a big difference. Your support group should be positively encouraging rather than tolerating you. should focus on long-term goals rather than short-term gratification. Finally, they should motivate you to achieve something worthwhile and not give up easily. The right support group will simply make you feel as if no one should be left behind. You will appreciate them much more in the future when you realize that it’s because of them that you better yourself.


We should be thankful for every opportunity that comes our way. In one of his hit songs, Eminem emphasizes that “opportunities come once in a lifetime,” and it is up to us to seize them or miss them. Those who are granted several chances are fortunate, but for many, it is now or never. Choose the braver option whenever you are in this situation. That is, take the opportunity and give it your all. If you succeed, then you will receive the benefits of your efforts. But if you fail, you don’t actually fail; it’s more you learn, and this serves as a lesson that will prepare you for your comeback when you bounce back. After all, we don’t want to live a life filled with regrets and what-ifs.


Living a life is not always a walk in the park. Even fairy tales include both happy and sad parts. You will not understand it for now, but there will come a time when you appreciate your life’s disappointments and difficulties. Diamonds are formed under pressure. Stars are the brightest in the darkest hours. The best view can be seen after the hardest climb.


There have been instances when I prayed to God for something and worked hard to obtain it, but in the end, I failed. I remember asking myself, “Why did I fail?” or “Why did God allow me to fail?” It wasn’t easy at first, but God works in mysterious ways. Perhaps he allowed those setbacks to prepare me for this moment to be a testimony that in life, challenges are not meant to destroy us, but to sharpen us instead.


A life filled with platonic events is boring. Consider watching a film with no climax sequences. Failures and frustrations will not only strengthen and enlighten you, but they will also keep you grounded and humble. These difficult circumstances will bring our feet back to the ground, and we will be proud of ourselves for overcoming them. So be grateful for the good and the not-so-good. Be grateful for everything.


Finally, thank yourself for not giving up. The most difficult struggle in our life is to keep going and have a positive outlook despite the distractions and the noises that the universe throw at us. So congratulations to everyone!


Many people nowadays are becoming interested in mental health issues. However, one of the disadvantages of making it mainstream, particularly for young people, is that individuals self-diagnose. All feelings are legitimate. Joy, sadness, fear, anger, and disgust are all natural emotions. However, if you feel that you need professional assistance, do not hesitate to seek it. A healthy mind is the first step toward unleashing your greatest potential. Make your future self-grateful to your younger self for persevering in the face of adversity.


As a scholarship recipient, I was invited to speak to the then-current scholars. God knows how the scholarship changed my life. I received something I had not prayed for but one that God provided me through that generous foundation. During my speech, I shared, “This opportunity made me realize the value of helping and supporting each other. I may not be able to support scholars financially yet for now, but with my ability and capacity as a teacher and an individual, I would inspire them to be bearers of hope and assist them whenever I can.” That scholarship and opportunity served as a lighthouse for me. Its brightness illuminated my life, for which I will be forever grateful. As a result, I feel the need to give back to the community, not because it is required but because you want to continue the circle of people helping and inspiring each other.


That is why I am thankful for this advocacy, Pray and Serve. It began as a website comprised of ordinary people’s testimonials, with the purpose of uplifting readers whenever they had lost hope or faith. Mother Teresa famously advised, “If you can’t feed a hundred people, feed one.” Life has been so generous to me that I want to build a community that supports and encourages one another.


My close friends and I organized our first mission project in June 2022 in a children’s facility in the southern part of the Philippines, where we delivered to children from that facility school materials and reminded them of the importance of education and to be grateful. I’m sure someday, when they are already able, they will also be encouraged to pay it forward. This is only the beginning of our effort to help communities, and we ask the Lord to provide us with the strength and resources we need to reach as many and as far-flung places as possible in the future.


Helping others does not have to be extravagant or grand; all that is required is a sincere heart and a good soul. There is no huge or small help since, no matter how small we believe it is, collectively, if everyone does their part, this world would not be able to handle it. Remember that no matter how difficult or unfair life is, you can always find infinite reasons to be grateful. Because when we view life through the lens of gratitude, we will not consider it bad in the first place. All you can see are lovely things that will motivate you to face life’s uncertainties and believe that everything will fall into place in God’s perfect timing. So keep moving, inspiring, be grateful, and pay it forward.


[First Published: September 11, 2022]