The Ripple Effect of Inspiration and Action

Rodman Flores Manalang, Advocate

What are the measures of a good, successful, and effective leader? How much does a person need to change to become an efficient and effective leader?


A few months after being appointed to a new and unfamiliar position in our organization, I envision myself not only thriving in this new function but also using my creativity to push for more and greater accomplishments in addition to the typical and routine chores of the job. One of the projects I started back then was an outreach project for a nearby orphanage. With this project, I get to collaborate with some of our young and dynamic student-leaders, which motivates me to be more adaptable to the changes that current times bring to leadership.


In the following months, I’ll be in my second year in this relatively new role, and I’ve gratified my creative self by completing a number of successful projects with the help of an army of talents. But as the days pass, I realize that leadership isn’t always a walk in the park, and it never will be. Challenges take the form of frustrations and disappointments, and they can even come from an acquaintance, making me wonder if it’s still worth it.


Every day, I pray to God to teach me what to do and keep me grounded. I pray to God for the strength to face his test in this capacity and not allow others to limit or undermine my authenticity. On the journey to becoming an effective leader, it is inevitable that others will raise their eyebrows at you simply because your ways are no longer convenient for them. They’ll say you changed because they didn’t like your ways or because your behaviors reflected what they’d shown you. However, as long as you have a clear conscience and believe that your actions are not personal, you do not need to speak up in defense. Lies run, truth walks, and God never fails. Pray for yourself and for them, and time will prove your sincerity and your hard work will show for itself. God hears our prayers; we sometimes want an immediate response, but God’s timing is just and right, and all of your worries and fears will soon find peace and clarity. Just trust in Him.


God has given us unique talents, which will only flourish if we use and share them with others. Don’t let the noise of others distract you from the bigger goals God intends for your life. They may be waiting for you to make a mistake and laugh at you, but God will disappoint them while showering you with abundant blessings. Never allow failure to prevent you from wanting to accomplish more for the Lord’s honor and glory. Despite a lack of appreciation from others, your self-fulfillment stems from serving God, not human recognition or reward.


To the young, vibrant student leaders I collaborated with on the outreach effort. Thank you for introducing me to your new style of leadership. Your commitment to serve despite little resources shows me that there are no age restrictions when it comes to serving others, and that with pure talent and clean intentions, good will always emerge to help and serve.


Nicole, thank you for demonstrating that political affiliations are not a barrier to working together as a council to better serve your constituents. I admire your humility and hope you will be more successful in the future.


Ivanee, in your pursuit of academic success, I hope you never forget your leadership potential. Remember that my confidence in your ability outweighs our misunderstanding and that I am always rooting for your success.


Queenie, after working with you for months, I’ve seen your growth, sincerity, and hard work; your potential is limitless. You’ve sacrificed and accomplished so much, and I hope your desire to serve others grows even stronger. But also, take care of yourself. I am confident that the Lord recognizes your efforts and will reward you for them.

Ivy, you don’t need to prove anything to us, since we’ve all seen what you’re capable of accomplishing, and your effort and tenacity are unquestionable. I simply want you to enjoy life and take things easy. It may not always go as smoothly as it does now, but with your faith in God, you will overcome hurdles and make us prouder. It is okay to take a break for a while to recharge and reaffirm our ability to face future challenges with confidence. 

Thank you, and to the other members of the CAS Manila Student Council SY 2022-2023, for teaching me about new and dynamic leadership. When I am tired and drained, God always pulls me back to that outreach project and reminds me of how you exemplify pure service. We may not have had the best physical resources at the time, but your talent and passion for making other people’s lives better are our most valuable resources.



We measure an effective leader by his commitment to service, fairness, equality, and justice for everyone while striving for excellence. One does not have to change in order for people to appreciate him; he should not sacrifice his authenticity to please others. Instead, he should focus on improving himself, because no one is perfect. As humans, we are the result of ongoing self-reflection and reevaluation in order to recognize our faults, admit them, and embrace our vulnerable side. Only then can we fully express ourselves and our potential.


People will always question your intentions, but never your heart. In recent months, I’ve realized that what’s more important is that you know in your heart that you’re doing it out of service and love for the Lord. And these actions are not meant to impress others but rather to inspire others, because you never know who will be secretly inspired by what you do, and hopefully they will inspire others in the future. 


We will all grow tired of what we do at some point, but if you do it with love, creativity, and the best of intentions, no matter how difficult or challenging it becomes, if it is all for the Lord’s glory, it will always be worthy.

Published: March 30, 2024

Let your story shine; that will be the light of one’s darkness. As you know, God has His blessed ways of reflecting your light to you.