As Pope Francis said, prayer is the center of life, and one should pray from the hearts and not “like parrots.”

Be inspired by these batches of prayers offered by ordinary
people who belong to a wide range of ages and come from different places like
you. These will surely drive and motivate you not just to pray for yourself,
but above all, to pray for others and society as well.

It is the same prayer that once saved you and may also save
others. When we pray for each other and together, we become most potent, and
together, we are heard. 

Important message: Beware of scammers! Pray and Serve is not and will not send you messages of any form asking for donations, solicitation, pledges, and the likes. Likewise, Pray and Serve will never ask for money, resources, or favors, in any way, from anyone. Thank you.