Among the sections of this website, this is the most unplanned. Growing up as a shy kid, I am the last person to open up about myself. But with my fair share of success, disappointments, and frustrations, I believe I experienced much in life that you may find relatable and engaging.

This space is not intended to impose something on you or force you to believe in it. Someone once told me that “I cannot share what I do not know.” While admittedly, I am not a know-it-all individual, but I am an expert on my own story. We are experts on our respective journeys. And this the side of my story, the main road of my excursion, and my thoughts from my vantage point.

Important message: Beware of scammers! Pray and Serve is not and will not send you messages of any form asking for donations, solicitation, pledges, and the likes. Likewise, Pray and Serve will never ask for money, resources, or favors, in any way, from anyone. Thank you.