Buti Nalang Malakas Ka Sakin

Louise Mae C. Bangsal, 28, Preschool and Elementary Teacher

Growing up, my definition of love was just like those in Disney fairytales; a princess with a Prince Charming loving, spoiling and rescuing her and living a happily ever after. But through the years I’ve realized, love is not always a they-lived-happily-ever-after kind of thing. It can mean several things to different people and love is definitely more than what I thought it would be.

I learned a real and a beautiful kind of love when I met Jimmy.

It all started with “Buti nalang malakas ka sakin.”.

Back in college, Jimmy and I were members of the College of Education Student Council. As an officer, I asked our committee members to assist us in organizing our events and Jimmy was one of them. I asked him to do some tasks and that’s when “buti nalang malakas ka sakin” happened. Since then, we worked together and became closer. On June 28, 2012, he personally asked permission to court me and I was shocked and of course, kilig si ate girl! After that, I told myself that this guy could be ‘the one’ because he had the courage and respect to personally ask and I really appreciated that.

Self-love and respect were two of the most valuable lessons I learned from my past relationship. I learned to put myself first and the feeling was empowering. Ganun pala yung feeling pag mahal mo ang sarili mo. Because of that, I prayed to God “Lord sana yung susunod na mamahalin ko ay yung taong mahal ako ng walang kundisyon at irerespeto ako” and I am grateful because God seemed to be saying “Buti nalang malakas ka sakin”, too.

For several months, Jimmy was so patient and persistent in winning me that he spoiled me with food surprises on our locker and helping me with school works. On January 26, 2013, it was my turn to make him the happiest. On a piece of paper, I wrote “Ask me a question that when you get the answer, you’ll be the happiest”. So clueless, he asked “tayo na?”, and asked him to look at the paper on the next page with a “YES” written on it. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made and for that, my heart was filled with so much joy.

Like any other couples, Jimmy and I had different personalities and beliefs on things. Throughout the relationship, I would have to admit that I wasn’t an easy girlfriend to be with. I could be irrational and immature most of the times because I had this belief of “what Maying wants, Maying gets” but it doesn’t work with Jimmy. Sometimes, he can be the best kontrabida in everything I like. Of course, Jimmy has his fair share of imperfections and shortcomings, too. In short, what we have is nothing close to perfection but it is real.

There are times I would ask God, “What did I do to deserve this kind of love?” and tears would run down on my face telling God how grateful I am to have Jimmy beside me. I wouldn’t be who I am today without Jimmy’s unconditional love.

Back then, I was too afraid to admit to myself my insecurities, my shortcomings and have always pretended to be strong in front of people when I am not. Why? Because I have always been afraid to be judged by other people. But now I have someone I can be honest with and have no fear of being judged; someone who corrects me and most of all, someone who sees the good in me. I have always admired the love we have and how we allow one another to grow to be the best versions of ourselves. And for that, I am sure that this guy God blessed me with is ‘The One’. The one who loves me for who I really am.

After almost 8 long years, God has continued to show me how much He loves me through Jimmy. The moment all girls are looking forward to in their lives happened to me last December 30, 2020. I finally had the chance to say “Yes” to a lifetime with the person God blessed me with.

Jimmy is not a Disney prince but he loves me for what I am; spoils me with his time, humor, and understanding; and rescues me from my tendency to overthink and constantly reminds me to just pray and everything’s going to be okay. He is definitely my human diary.

One day, when you all meet a good man who is not perfect but is working towards being a better man and a good man who makes you genuinely happy, love that man, keep that man, celebrate that man because that man is hard to find. Luckily, I have found that man in Jimmy.

Truly, God will only give us what He knows is best for us. Trust in Him and keep the faith that one day, He will bless us with what we fervently ask for in our prayers.

And for Jimmy, I will always be grateful for your life because you are a great reminder of God’s love. I look forward to spending a lifetime of blessings with you.

If you want to contribute an article on how God works in your life, kindly send a message via Contact UsLet your story shine; that will be the light of one’s darkness. As you know, God has His blessed ways of reflecting your light to you.