P.M.A. (Prayer Meets Action)

John Paul Mendoza, 35, Inspirational Speaker

Have you been praying and felt that your prayer wasn’t answered? Have you felt abandoned and left behind? I advice you to pray for it, again and again.

As a kid, if you want something, you tell your parents about this thing over and over again. Only to find out that you made that thing realized by persuading your parents that you really deserve it. Same with prayer. If you really want something, you pray hard, harder, and even hardest. That is how the power of prayer is.

However, what if you are this kid who was not favored by your parents or the situation? Does it make you less important of a person? A big No!

It is really hard sometimes to feel like your prayers are not answered. But let me tell you this, all prayers are answered.

But remember, the answer is not always a yes. It could be a yes, not this time, or a no.

When your prayers are answered, God wants to tell you that yes, this is for you.

If your prayers are not yet answered, God is telling you that it is not yet the perfect time for you to have it.

But if you did not get what you prayed for, does that mean God did not listen to your prayer? No. This only means that God wants to tell you that He is preparing the best for you.

But remember, underneath these answers are the invisible chains of your actions. Yes. With your prayer comes your work. Prayer is at its most powerful if you add great work to it. Even Jesus prayed, and with His prayer comes His works.

Prayers need to meet Actions. They simply do. But when you feel exhausted and did all the necessary actions but still failed, you need to fall down, on your knees, and again, pray and ask for the strength that you need.

That’s how the power of prayer comes in. When you feel that your prayer is not effective, the only thing you can do is to pray again.

Remember, the old saying tells us that “prayers can move mountains.” Again, prayers can move mountains. It does not tell you to move that mountain; you simply pray for it. Did I say that you need to work for it? Then where is the work within that prayer? I tell you, praying is an invisible work and the most powerful tool that produces the strongest chains you need in your life. Pray. Pray again. And never stop praying. And when you feel not praying, go down on your knees and pray.

If you want to contribute an article on how God works in your life, kindly send a message via Contact Us. Let your story shine; that will be the light of one’s darkness. As you know, God has His blessed ways of reflecting your light to you.