To Forgive and To Be Forgiven

Anne Dionisio, 34, Learning and Development Professional

It was Friday, and I was excited. After almost a year of not going to church, I finally could get a reservation. It does sound like I was booking a table at my favorite restaurant. Yea! Here in UAE, the only way you could attend a mass is through online booking; there are limited number of churchgoers to be accepted. And I tell you… Friday, Saturday & Sunday are the blockbuster days! Hence, you would understand my excitement when I finally got the approval.

But then, something happened on the day that I have been waiting for. Minutes before arriving at the church, the millennial in me. I started to browse my social media account, and one post caught my attention. It was so brief and unexpected, but it left a hole in my heart. I was taken aback. Needless to say, after reading it, I became restless and antsy. My excitement was replaced by this unsavory feeling of bitterness and spite. It consumed me to the point that even while listening to the Homily. My mind kept on wandering back to that single post. I really could not get over it, and I felt that my anger was slowly building up inside.

Finally, during the Prayer of the Faithful. When the priest asked the congregation to utter their own supplication, the first thing that came to my mind as I bowed my head and closed my eyes was: “Lord, let me forgive those people who have hurt me, as you have forgiven me whenever I hurt you”. It was short, but I felt my eyes watered as I said those brave, unanticipated words.

After the mass, I was still not 100 % okay, but my heart was less restless, less hurt, and more at peace.  Human as I am, I am bound to feel bad and hurt. But then, I am not alone. Jesus gave me the opportunity to become a forgiver. I did not waste that chance. By doing so, I found my repose and forgiveness. Indeed, Philippians 4:6-7 holds when it says, “Do not worry about anything; instead pray about everything, Tell God what you need and thank Him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand.” Amen to that!

If you want to contribute an article on how God works in your life, kindly send a message via Contact UsLet your story shine; that will be the light of one’s darkness. As you know, God has His blessed ways of reflecting your light to you.