Spreading kindness is one of Pray and Serve‘s guiding missions.


One of the many lessons we learned from the recent pandemic was to be courteous and compassionate to one another. Everyone has troubles and fears, and many are dealing with emotional and mental health challenges that we are unaware of. What could be more amazing than making them feel cherished, remembered, and cared for? Kindness does not have to be huge or lavish. A small act may have a big influence and have a domino effect.


Kindness begins with being kind to yourself, to your family, to your loved ones, to the community, and, in general, to everyone who has a life. Every small connection with someone is an opportunity to make a difference in their and your lives. So whenever you have the chance to help others, do so. Spread kindness.

Remember that God has amazing ways of reflecting your kindness back to you.

Important message: Beware of scammers! Pray and Serve is not and will not send you messages of any form asking for donations, solicitation, pledges, and the likes. Likewise, Pray and Serve will never ask for money, resources, or favors, in any way, from anyone. Thank you.