Known as the patron saint of desperate cases and hopeless causes, Saint Jude Thaddeus or Saint Jude is recognized and venerated all throughout the world. He was a relative of Jesus Christ and one of the original twelve apostles.


Saint Jude’s portrait is displayed as an apostle who is carrying Jesus’s image. The story tells that this is reminiscent of a miracle in which a leprous king was miraculously healed when Saint Jude gave him a garment that had been placed against the face of Christ. The flame on his head signifies his existence at the Pentecost, when he and the other apostles received the Holy Spirit.


In the Philippines, the National Shrine of Saint Jude Thaddeus is located at Jose Laurel St, San Miguel, City of Manila. Every Thursday, devotees attend the shrine to do their novena to their patron saint of hope.


This page is dedicated to Saint Jude and his devotees, who share their devotional tales and expressions of thanks for his intercession on their behalf. People may learn about this wonderful saint via their testimony, and they may also start to encourage a journey with him.

I am a Catholic. I was raised in a religious family, hence devotion to Mama Mary and the Saints is what I practice in my life. I could recall that during my childhood, we usually had novena prayers to St. Jude every Thursday. My mother told us about St. Jude as the patron of hopeless cases. In my college days, my devotion to St. Jude became more alive. Since my school is just a walking distance to the National Shrine of St. Jude Thaddeus in Manila, I attended Novena Mass every Thursday. There was a specific point in my personal life when I thought that I needed St. Jude’s intercession. For that special intention, I went to St. Jude Church for 9 consecutive Thursdays. There were so many times when I asked St. Jude for help, and he never failed me. October 28 is a special day for me because it is the feast of St. Jude, my patron saint. All glory and honor to God and His angels and saints. 


Mylene, 49

My devotion started when I was in college. Being away from my family was a struggle, but I have found a home with St. Jude. I clearly remember those times when my plans were unclear and St. Jude served as my burning torch who lit up my path, and suddenly my goals became clear and materialized. Since then, I have had many encounters with St. Jude in my family, career, marriage, etc. He always reminds us to stay faithful and continue to pray to Him. 


J. M. Garcia, 32

It was during my high school days that a friend of mine introduced me to her devotion to Saint Jude. It was the first time that I was able to attend a novena at the shrine. My next memory of returning to the shrine was when I applied for a teaching position at a university. I went to the shrine to pray and ask that I be accepted into the university. After visiting the shrine, I waited that day to see if I would be called to work at that university. Unfortunately, I did not receive any messages regarding the teaching position I am applying for. But the next day, I called a staff member of the college to inquire regarding my application, and she replied that she had forgotten to inform me regarding my acceptance to one of the colleges of their university. From there on, I became a devotee of Saint Jude up to the present. I will always be thankful to Saint Jude.


ihly, 64

I started my devotion to St. Jude of Thaddeus way back in 2012 when I was in my first year of college because my classmates and I got curious about why the shrine is famous, especially among students. I am personally curious because my grandmother kept on telling us to pray always and ask for the intercessions of the Blessed Mother and all the saints except for St. Jude. I asked her why? She told me that St. Jude seldom hears prayers, and that resonated with me.


Moving forward, since my first year of college, after class, we go to St. Jude to attend novena mass every Thursday, and until now, when we have separate jobs, we never fail to go and do novena to St. Jude.


I have proven my grandmother wrong. All my prayers, through the intercession of St. Jude, were granted. I was a full scholar from college to graduate school. I achieved my dream awards and now I have reached my dream job of being a professor. Yes, I’m now a professor for almost 4 years and counting, plus I have taught in big universities and I always get outstanding student evaluations. For the time being, my only hope is that many devotions reach St. Jude and that everyone lives a long and healthy life. Thank you.


Ronette, 26 

When I was in college, I already heard about St. Jude but I haven’t been to his church until I entered law school. Aside from our own chapel inside the school, I made it a point to attend St. Jude masses every Thursday night. It became a habit to devote my Thursday night to him, up to now that Im going 7 years in law practice, I still attend the mass every Thursday night. I believe that because of him, I was able to achieve my dreams of becoming a lawyer.


Ram, 35 

Way back in 2011-2013, when I was taking my Master’s degree, I started attending mass at the National Shrine of Saint Jude Thaddeus-Manila. I can still remember the feeling of enlightenment when I finished the mass. I felt the lightness of life, though in reality there are challenges to be faced. But after graduation, I went back to the province and wasn’t able to attend the mass at the shrine. I faced a huge challenge in my career in 2014, and I cried it out to St. Jude during a novena mass. And I think St. Jude Thaddeus heard what my heart shouted. I believe that through the intercession of St. Jude Thaddeus, I was able to conquer it. That was the start of my devotion to him.


From then on, I always asked my colleagues, siblings, and/or cousins to come with me to attend the novena mass. Time goes on and my faith gets deeper. Let’s say I only asked for a piece of bread, but he gave me a pizza with a variety of toppings that I can share with everyone I contact. I’ll be eternally grateful to him for being there for me through thick and thin. From a stable career to the good health of my family and loved ones, to strength in every challenge, to lovelife, I asked and he never failed me. And now I am asking for the most precious gift that he could ever give to a husband and wife —a gift of life, a child. And I trust him that right on time, through his intercession, we will receive that precious gift.


Jess, 31

Having to rely on scholarships to keep up my education, my devotion to St. Jude began in college. I started my Thursday habit with an intention for my studies and personal prayers because school is nearby to the church. 

This habit continued even after I implored for his intervention on behalf of my employment, professional growth, and graduate studies. St. Jude witnessed my achievements, my victories, and my failures.


My faith in St. Jude to always intercede for me in the midst of difficulties ensures that my devotion to him will continue and will even encourage others to get to know him.


Oman, 36

Most of the time I feel like giving up and desperate at some point, I even came to the extent of asking if God really hears my prayers, but I am constantly reminded that the Lord Jesus Christ has already overcome this world, and gave assurance to us that we too can overcome our struggles through him.


At an early age, I was introduced already to various saints and their power to bring people closer to God. It is believed that our prayers are easily heard by God through their intercession, and it is absolutely true every time I pray to St. Jude.


St. Jude is extremely special to me as I always felt his miracles, never that I experienced rejection every time I whispered all my prayers through him. I have been a devotee of St. Jude since I entered university. I was struggling with everything. I always feel helpless most of the time. I doubted everything, but when I started my devotion with him, I knew that through prayers, things would be smooth along the way. I always feel hopeless and prayer is the only thing I do to have peace of mind, and finding myself with St. Jude is always a big sigh of relief.


I am forever grateful to St. Jude as he always reminds me how blessed I am. He taught me how to develop inner peace and appreciate the little things in life. He made me feel the importance of having a close connection with Christ. The very idea that nothing is impossible with God through his intercession is something that I ponder all the time. No matter how big or small my request is, I can feel that St. Jude is working on it. He completely changed my view about life, it’s not about the achievements, earthly possessions and status anymore but how you lived your life according to the will of God, when things are getting tough I ran to him because I knew he will provide me comfort, the kind of feeling that brings me closer to Christ. I considered St. Jude as my personal solicitor as he delivers all my heart’s desires and prayers to God. I always believed that through his intercession, my prayers were always heard. I tend to ask a lot of questions and see what is missing and lacking, but he made me realize that I am blessed every day and made me believe that nothing is impossible with Christ.


ASP, 40

I have not been a devotee of St. Jude until I felt so hopeless and desperate for something I have been asking for years; I thought to myself that St. Jude will never fail me and so I decided to see Him every Thursday and pray the novena. It was solely to plead for personal petitions, that they be granted, that I may be blessed; it’s all about grand favors and so when they don’t get realized, it upset me.


However, my attitude changed when a wish which was not even “huge” but immediate was granted after the novena was said. That made me realize how powerful indeed prayers are, how faithful St. Jude is to those who continuously ask for His intercession. The human in me would often think that I am not blessed when not all my prayers are heard because I choose to look at those which I have always been praying for, but blessings from St. Jude continue to pour through the graces I receive every day; this strengthens not only my faith, but also my perspective on how prayer works. I am forever grateful to St. Jude for my renewed appreciation to devotion as it allows me to know myself more and remain steadfast in my faith.


Tin, 41

In honor of the National Shrine of Saint Jude Thaddeus Fiesta 2022

Theme: Our Journey of Faith and Response to Mission

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